How to cite sources in an essay example
How to cite sources in an essay example

Copyright date by Copyright Holder’s Name. Retrieved Month and day, year (it is a date when you access it last time), from url link. Author’s Surname, date of publication, Website Title. Adapted from “Title of a web page, “ by Author’s First Initial.


How to Cite a Picture in APA Taken from a Websiteįigure X. The example below illustrates an APA citation. After that, the name of the author, publication date, the title of the website, date of retrieval, and a URL of the image. Then, the words “Adapted from” are followed by the title of a website. Citing a Picture from a Website in APAįor images taken from a website, one starts with a label of an image. Hence, students need to learn how to cite an image in APA to follow academic integrity. Also, a footnote format applies specific rules when creating a citation for an image. Possible sources include magazines, journals, websites, books, and others.

how to cite sources in an essay example

The notes and bibliography system uses footnotes to cite sources. In turn, an image citation depends on a type of source. Darwin (1859) explains that evolution can act only by very short and slow steps (510). Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 11(1), 3–16. Evolution is a gradual process that can act only by very short and slow steps (Darwin 1859, 510). Martin, R., Tyler, P., Storper, M., Evenhuis, E., & Glasmeier, A. Reference Entry Example of an Image for a Journal Article or a Magazine Article in APA: The best way to begin citing sources in your essay or term paper is to first compile the fill list of all the sources you used, from advertisements to interviews, from songs to magazine articles, from academic journal articles to books. Copyright 2018 by the Cambridge Political Economy Society. Glassmeier, 2018, C ambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 11(1), p. Adapted from “Globalisation at a critical conjuncture,” by R. In-Text Citation Sample of an Image for a Journal Article or a Magazine Article in APA:įigure 1: Trade balances (US$ billion) from 1995 to 2016. In the case of a library database, this format is also applied, but some parts may be skipped if they are not provided. Note: This format is applied for all types of illustrations, like charts, graphs, tables, maps, and visuals. Copyright Year by Copyright Holder’s Name. Author’s Surname, year, day, (for a magazine) or just a year (for a journal), Magazine Title or Journal Title, the number of a volume (issue number), page or pages. Adapted from “Title of Source,” by Author’s First Initial. General Format for Scholarly Sources, including Magazine and Journal Articles:įigure X. How to Cite an Image from a Scholarly Source in APA: As a result, such a citation ends with the copyright year by copyright holder’s name.

how to cite sources in an essay example

After the title, one includes the names of the authors, year of publication, the title of the journal, the number of a volume, issue number, and the page number. When citing images from journal articles, one starts with a label of the image followed by the words “adapted from,” and, then, there is the title of the article.

how to cite sources in an essay example

APA Image Citation for a Scholarly Article

How to cite sources in an essay example